echo"<br /><font color=red><B>This is a very simple challenge and if you solve it I will give you a flag. Good Luck!</B><br></font>";
if($_SERVER) { if ( preg_match('/shana|debu|aqua|cute|arg|code|flag|system|exec|passwd|ass|eval|sort|shell|ob|start|mail|\$|sou|show|cont|high|reverse|flip|rand|scan|chr|local|sess|id|source|arra|head|light|read|inc|info|bin|hex|oct|echo|print|pi|\.|\"|\'|log/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) die('You seem to want to do something bad?'); }
if (!preg_match('/http|https/i', $_GET['file'])) { if (preg_match('/^aqua_is_cute$/', $_GET['debu']) && $_GET['debu'] !== 'aqua_is_cute') { $file = $_GET["file"]; echo"Neeeeee! Good Job!<br>"; } } elsedie('fxck you! What do you want to do ?!');
if($_REQUEST) { foreach($_REQUEST as $value) { if(preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/i', $value)) die('fxck you! I hate English!'); } }
if (file_get_contents($file) !== 'debu_debu_aqua') die("Aqua is the cutest five-year-old child in the world! Isn't it ?<br>");
if ( sha1($shana) === sha1($passwd) && $shana != $passwd ){ extract($_GET["flag"]); echo"Very good! you know my password. But what is flag?<br>"; } else{ die("fxck you! you don't know my password! And you don't know sha1! why you come here!"); }
if(preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]*$/isD', $code) || preg_match('/fil|cat|more|tail|tac|less|head|nl|tailf|ass|eval|sort|shell|ob|start|mail|\`|\{|\%|x|\&|\$|\*|\||\<|\"|\'|\=|\?|sou|show|cont|high|reverse|flip|rand|scan|chr|local|sess|id|source|arra|head|light|print|echo|read|inc|flag|1f|info|bin|hex|oct|pi|con|rot|input|\.|log|\^/i', $arg) ) { die("<br />Neeeeee~! I have disabled all dangerous functions! You can't get my flag =w="); } else { include"flag.php"; $code('', $arg); } ?> This is a very simple challenge andif you solve it I will give you a flag. Good Luck! Aqua is the cutest five-year-old child in the world! Isn't it ?
$a = $_GET['a']; if ($_SERVER) { if (preg_match('/bantian|passwd|code|cute|aqua/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) die('You seem to want to do something bad?'); else echo"\$a = ". $a. "<br><br>"; } ?>
if ($_REQUEST) { foreach ($_REQUEST as $value) { if (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/i', $value)) die ('fxck you! I hate English!'); else echo"Yeah, You know what I mean!"; } } ?>
if (!preg_match('/http|https/i', $_GET['file'])) { if (preg_match('/^aqua_is_cute$/', $_GET['debu']) && $_GET['debu'] !== 'aqua_is_cute') { $file = $_GET["file"]; echo"Neeeeee! Good Job!<br>"; } } else die('fxck you! What do you want to do ?!');
if (file_get_contents($file) !== 'debu_debu_aqua') die("Aqua is the cutest five-year-old child in the world! Isn't it ?<br>"); else echo"Yeeeeaaaahhhh! You Got it!!!!";
if ( sha1($shana) === sha1($passwd) && $shana != $passwd ){ extract($_GET["flag"]); echo"Very good! you know my password. But what is flag?<br>"; } else{ die("fxck you! you don't know my password! And you don't know sha1! why you come here!"); }
echo"<font color=red><B>Notice1: If you get my flag, you will get a gif!</B><br></font>"; echo"<font color=red><B>Notice2: Dangerous functions, such as shell_exec() system() and so on, are disabled in php.ini. Chopper&AntSword are also useless!</B><br></font>"; echo"<font color=red><B>Notice3: flag is Y1ng{xxxxxxxx}!</B><br></font>"; echo"<font color=red><B>Notice4: there isn't a var named \$flag or \$f14g in flag.php, name of flag's var is difficult to guess!</B><br><br></font>";
if($_SERVER) { if ( preg_match('/y1ng|zuishuai|flag|YuZhou|Wudi|system|exec|passwd|ass|eval|sort|shell|ob|start|mail|\$|sou|show|cont|high|reverse|flip|rand|scan|chr|local|sess|id|source|arra|head|light|read|inc|info|bin|hex|oct|echo|print|pi|\.|\"|\'|log/i', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) die('fxck your key words!'); } if (!preg_match('/http/i', $_GET['file'])) { if (preg_match('/^y1ngzuishuai$/', $_GET['zuishuai']) && $_GET['zuishuai'] !== 'y1ngzuishuai') { $file = $_GET["file"]; echo"Yes! You know that I zuishuai!<br>"; } } elsedie('fxck you! no RFI!!');
if($_REQUEST) { foreach($_REQUEST as $value) { if(preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/i', $value)) die('fxck your English letters'); } }
if (file_get_contents($file) !== 'y1ng_YuZhou_Wudi_zuishuai') die(' Am not I universe wudi zuishuai?<br>');
if ( sha1($y1ng) === sha1($passwd) && $y1ng != $passwd ){ extract($_GET["flag"]); echo"Very good! you know my password. But what is flag?<br>"; } else{ die('fxck you! you dont know password! you dont know sha1! why you come here!'); }
if(preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]*$/isD', $code) || preg_match('/fil|cat|more|tail|tac|less|head|nl|tailf|ass|eval|sort|shell|ob|start|mail|\`|\{|\%|x|\&|\$|\*|\||\<|\"|\'|\=|\?|sou|show|cont|high|reverse|flip|rand|scan|chr|local|sess|id|source|arra|head|light|print|echo|read|inc|flag|1f|info|bin|hex|oct|pi|con|rot|input|\.|log|\^/i', $arg) ) { die("<br />Neeeeee~! I have disabled all dangerous functions! You can't get my flag =w="); } else { include"flag.php"; $code('', $arg); }
i : 表达大小写不敏感,/abc/i可以匹配abc、Abc s : 特殊字符圆点. 中包含换行符,默认的圆点. 是匹配换行符\n之外的任何单字符,加上s之后, .中包括换行符 D : 如果设定了此修正符,模式中的美元元字符仅匹配目标字符串的结尾。没有此选项时,如果最后一个字符是换行符的话,美元符号也会匹配此字符之前(但不会匹配任何其它换行符之前)。如果设定了 m 修正符则忽略此选项。Perl 中没有与其等价的修正符。